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Got a Junk Car? Recycle It!

I have had the same car for the last 18 years. I didn't see the point in buying a new car if mine only needed minor repairs. However, recently my luck changed and my car had major engine problems. It didn't make sense to spend more on repairs than the car was worth. And likewise, no one would buy the car because it needed more in repairs than the car was worth. I had to decide what to do with the car. I had seen those signs saying they would buy junk cars, so I gave them the car. I was happy that I did. I created this website to answer the questions you may have about this process. Learn how the process works, how much you can expect and what paperwork you need to fill out to recycle an old junk car.


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Got a Junk Car? Recycle It!

Recycling A Catalytic Converter: What You Need To Know

by Bernice Howell

When you are stuck with an old junk car, it's tempting to just have someone haul it away for scrap. Before you contact a scrap dealer to tow the car to the junkyard, however, it might be a good idea to recycle some of the parts yourself. This could give you a bigger profit than simply recycling the car intact. This article examines some key aspects of recycling one particular automotive part: the catalytic converter. 

What Is It 

The catalytic converter is a metal device that sits on the bottom of your vehicle. Its purpose is to reduce the amount of pollution emitted by your vehicle. Through various chemical reactions, the device transforms several harmful gases into gases that are less dangerous to the environment. Catalytic converters have been required on all vehicles in the United States since 1975. 

How to Remove 

If you are handy with tools, you can remove the device yourself in many cases. It's illegal to remove a catalytic converter without replacing it on vehicles you plan to drive, but because you are scraping the car, this isn't an issue. You will need to set the car up on jack stands to get under the vehicle. 

The catalytic converter can be found on the exhaust pipe in the middle of the undercarriage. Typically, it's attached to the vehicle with four bolts and you simply loosen the bolts and remove the device. In some cases, you may need to use a lubricant to facilitate the removal of the bolts. 

Determining Value

The value of a recycled catalytic converter depends on several factors, one of the most important being whether the part is original. If the original catalytic converter in your vehicle has already been removed and replaced with an aftermarket part, the value of the part is great significantly reduced. 

Another important factor is the what type of vehicle the device comes from. The catalytic converters from certain makes and models are worth more than others. Also, the value is affected by whether the part is intact. Catalytic converters have two sections: an outer shell and an inner section called a honeycomb. Never take off the outside shell when you are recycling a catalytic converter, as this prevents the recycling from determining what make and model of vehicle the part is from. 

Recycling a catalytic converter can be worth the effort in some instances. For more information, contact a scrap dealer or auto recycling center in your area. Companies like Miamitown Auto Parts & Recycling may be able to meet your needs in this area.
